Privacy Policy

Zenbeat Privacy Policy


Welcome to Zenbeat, a leading AI-driven music production coaching app. Here, we don’t just elevate your music prowess; we equally prioritize the security and sanctity of your personal data. This Privacy Policy serves as your guide to understanding our data-related practices, ensuring your peace of mind during every interaction.

Information We Collect

1. Personal Information

Upon registering or interacting with Zenbeat services, we may solicit and gather details such as:

  • Full Name: For user identification and personalized user experience.

  • Email Address: Essential for user login, password recovery, and receiving app-specific notifications or newsletters.

  • Billing Address: Necessary for processing any in-app purchases or subscriptions.

2. Activity Data

Based on your in-app behavior, we could accumulate:

  • Music Preferences: To cater to our coaching content to your unique tastes.

  • Tracks Produced: Stored to allow for future access, analysis, and improvement suggestions.

  • Coaching Session History: To track your progress and adapt the coaching experience.

Use of Collected Information

We utilize this information to:

  • Personalize Coaching: Tailor recommendations and tutorials to resonate with your music interests.

  • Enhance User Experience: By understanding user patterns, we continuously refine our app’s interface and functionalities.

  • Send Notifications: Deliver timely updates, important notifications, or special offers related to Zenbeat.

  • Boost Security: Periodically analyze user data for signs of malicious activity or breaches.

Third-Party Involvement

Zenbeat seamlessly integrates with third-party platforms, such as WordPress, Botpress, and other cloud services. These collaborations are crucial for:

  • Operational Excellence: These platforms may store data temporarily or manage it to offer certain functionalities, but without independent data processing rights.

  • Transaction Security: Recognized third-party payment gateways are entrusted with transaction details, ensuring secure and hassle-free financial interactions.

Data Processing Location

Rooted in Dublin, Ireland, Zenbeat operates under the legal framework of the European Union. Thus, while the primary data processing occurs within the European Economic Area (EEA), we may sometimes use servers or services outside this region, ensuring GDPR-compliant practices at all times.

Children’s Privacy

Zenbeat welcomes users of all ages, but it’s crafted for adults. For children below 13, we strongly recommend supervision by a parent or guardian, ensuring a safe and appropriate experience.

Security Measures

We’re armed with:

  • Encryption Protocols: Ensuring data-in-transit remains secure.

  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Available for users seeking an additional security layer.

  • Regular Audits: To ascertain and address potential vulnerabilities.

User Rights (GDPR Considerations)

Under the GDPR:

  • Data Access: You can request a copy of your stored data.

  • Data Correction: Rectify inaccuracies in your data.

  • Data Deletion: Under certain conditions, request us to erase your data.

  • Data Processing Objection: Challenge specific data processes if you believe they infringe upon your rights.

  • Complaints: Lodge concerns with the Irish Data Protection Commission or other relevant EU bodies.

Contact Us

We value your feedback and queries. Direct them to for timely assistance.

Updates to this Privacy Policy

Stay updated on our Privacy Policy as Zenbeat continually refines its data protection practices. We’ll ensure that key changes are conveyed either via email or in-app notifications.

Effective Date: 25-October-2023

Engaging with Zenbeat means you align with this Privacy Policy. We’re not just a music coach; we’re your trusted ally in every beat you produce!